S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - AMK Mod

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - AMK Mod

Postby Kanyhalos on 27 Sep 2008 00:10

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. AMK Mod
Modification for 'S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl'

General Informations:

The biggest global mod in Russian mod community.

Authors: AMK Team
Compatible with: 1.0004
Current version: 1.4, rev.22
Current EN release: RC2 (rev.81)


AMK Mod 1.4 - Developers:

Lead scripters: xStream, Red75, sokol_jack
Addititonal scripts: wtcat
Coordination: Edwin
Weapon balance: Mad_Vad
3D: Tambovski
Textures: Domestos, S.Desore
Scenario: Nova, Stalker_Zip
Quests: Sergey81
Support, additional help: BAC9-FLCL
Others: And, Potap, Terrapack, Manul, Deep

AMK Mod 1.4 - English translation:

Coordination: Vizzy
Project founder: BAC9-FLCL
Additional translations: Claudio, SkuLL[Rus]™, Vladwick, ShadowTony

What's New?

This modification changes almost every aspect of the game, from the gameplay to the design, and also adds a lot of new features (blowout, dynamic anomalies, random weather, very complex sleep system, artefact modification, stalker IM network, dynamic HUD, detectors, new weapons, quests and a lot of more), improves the game balance.

Release 1.4

1. Offline A-Life

We always wanted to diversify stalker behaviour - as minimum, to bring back "stalking" - to teach them to search and collect artefacts, thus competing with Marked One. Well, these are results we succeeded:

Stalkers actively and diversely they interact with each other in offline:

- search and collect artifacts
- loot bodies, collect any useful things like ammo, weapons, medicaments
- trade

If found items are common and inexpensive, they sell them to the trader.

If they found something valuable, like rare weapon or expensive artifact, they leave it to itself or propose to sell to someone, who wants it (maybe, it will be the Marked One too) - they just post a message to IM system, where to find them, and explain, what they want to sell.

- conduct combat with hostile stalkers, moreover...

Combat is calculated by the complex system: despite the fact that everything occurs in offline, the combat result is considered the outfitting of stalkers, the utilized weapon, and much other things...

Everything does not ends on the combat: stalkers can loot the corpses of the devastated enemies and take, for example, better weapon to themselves. Usually, almost entire contents of enemy backpack will move to their backpacks, and will be sold to the trader with the first opportunity.

If in combat, the matters go entirely badly, then stalkers can call for help through IM, and, if player comes to this place, then he actually will see, that it was combat here - injured stalkers, corpses, the precise composition of sides... even names of them will coincide with names from IM post that you heard some time ago.

- conduct combat with hostile creatures

They recognise not only the corpses (which are actively looted), but also boxes and caches - they'll get everything you put in the cache, it they'll found it. It depends on the distinctness of container - items, hidden in the cache somewhere on the garret of the neglected farmstead, for sure will not be found, but it is here into the box, which stands in the Bar, it is better not to place anything - they will clean it up, as soon as you come out.

Now player will not meet "default" NPCs, similar one to another (for example, novice with the shotgun, medkit and 5000 rubles in the pocket).

All NPC are individual, each passed some events, which influenced their life in the Zone. Some - are experienced, passed several combats, have good outfit and equipment... Others, have done nothing significant, and finished their way with the bullet in the back of the head. The thirds...

2. Online A-Life Improvements

Well, also, we've done some new features for online A-Life.
Here they are:

- NPC loot bodies
- NPC collect items lying on ground (medkits, weapons, artifacts)

3. Dynamic News System

DNS is the main instrument which shows offine A-Life to the player.

Do you remember, that in the original game different NPC sometimes contact with you through PDA with text messages, which are shown below, in the left corner of the screen (something like "Marked One, at long last you returned. If there'll be a free time - come visit me, I have some jobs for you." )? We used this idea:

Marked One's PDA is connected to some kind "stalker network", through which he know the whole situation in the Zone: this network has IM-service, which stalkers actively use, reporting about the attacks of mutants, patrols, the obtained artifacts, skirmishes, etc.

There is only some types of their messages. Stalker(s):

- spotted someone (military patrol, for example), and name the place, where it happened.
- found a corpse, trying to recognise it's name from PDA, voices assumptions about the reasons for death (and, you know - it's true working feature: if he was killed with pistol, or automatic rifle, or shotgun - it'll be recognised by stalker, who found the body, he'll describe, how's the wound looking, etc.), and name the place, where it happened.
- seen the skirmish, name the participants, the place.
- seen, how kill happened, and name killer (as usual, it's the player) and victims, exemplary armament, place of the skirmish.
- heard something (shooting, scream, etc.)
- seen, that weather have changed, and tell, what he's thinking about it
- tells about the dawn, the sunset, the dark night, about what he feels now, about his friends and whole situation around...
- tell about military helicopters, about raids, helicopter attacks, about the fact that helicopter's taking fire, or about the fact that helicopter crushed...
- give SOS, when the matters go entirely badly.
- tell about good items and artifacts, about where to find them, if you want to buy something...
- ask for help with especially strong monsters (for example, with the controller, which arrived to Escape), and, sometimes - they thank you for help, and transmit something useful to the benefactor through Sidorovich or Barmen (leave transfer for you).
- report about when, approximately, the blowout begins.

- and many other types...

And, don't forget - this is not random news. All of them are about real events happened in the Zone. There is no fake messages.

4. Dymanic anomalies system

1.4 introduce the completely new dynamic anomalies system:

- now, anomalies appear in almost completely random places, not in strictly fixed positions, like in 1.3.1 (but - they do not appear near quest NPC and other important zones)

- anomalies quantity and behaviour depends on the Blowout - for example, immediately go into the zone right after the Blowout is extremely dangerous - anomalies arose everywhere, it is necessary to be extremely carefully - but, if we'll wait for a some time (maybe, half of the day - depends on Blowout interval setting), a quantity of anomalies will gradually decrease. Theit quantity will drop to a minimum level right before the next Blowout.

4. Weapons

- New weapon - flamethrower. Also, there is a big, unique quest to obtain it - with long and original dialogs, many ways to the end, etc.

- Reworked sniper weapons: real ballistics, true bullet parameters, authentic scopes and other. Now, sniping actually works, and the scope markings aren't just to make the crosshair look pretty.

- Reworked assault weapons: real ballistics, true bullet parameters, etc.

- Realistic grenade damage and blast wave.
- Original weapon names returned.
- Smoke grenades added.

- Unused weapons returned to the game (HPSA, TOZ34, etc.)

5. Other

Now, you can not only hide things in the well-known hiding-places - but, also, make your own. It is simple. Just buy an additional backpack, and leave it, where you want to make your new hiding-place. After this - simply place your items to it. Well, and in order not to forget, where you left your unique weapons, etc. - just place GPS-beacon nearby =)
Release 1.3.1
1. Monsters

We've modified some monsters:

- controller: now he has the ability to zombify stalkers.

- blind dogs: they are dangerous in the swarm, cowardly, very rapidly they run, it is complicated to run away, 360 degrees feelings (new feelings, which were appeared instead of the sight), but they run away with death of two-free dogs from the swarm. Vulnerable place - paw.

- flesh: the thick layer of fat helps to maintain plural damages. Attack weak, but with the increased protection they can deliver problems. Weak place - head.

- bloodsucker: one of the most dangerous monsters. It's very tenacious cranial bone maintains strong attacks due the brain moved back. Protected by rough skin and durable bone organs. Vurnerable place: head. You need to shoot from side or back to hit the brain, in this case he will be killed for sure.

2. Other

- in standard task of the "Kill stalker" type, now, there are several ways to end task - victim can pay for its life, etc.

- authentic sounds for AK74, VSS "Vintorez" and AS "VAL".

- bug fixed: suits now are not repaired in the anomalies.
- bug fixed: recycling dialogs.
- bug fixed: save game spoiling in Pripyat.
- physics: you can carry monster bodies and some physical items.
- improved blood.
- weapon/suit repair (based on Repair Mod).
- NPC damage from fire is turned off (to fix NPC burning in campfires).
- NPC panic added.
- changed task conditions (time/reward).

- a lot of other fixes and additions.
Release 1.3
1. Blowout

- blowout begins suddenly, but you have some time to search for a hideout. Different hideouts have different degree of protection from the blowout, so choose the place, that seems to be reliable: basements, buildings with massive walls - there you mostly won't be affected by blowout.

- NPCs runs to hideouts, while being attacked - they fire back, at the end of blowout - they return to usual places. NPCs protect the hideouts from enemies.

- blowout strenght changes from the border territories of the Zone to its center - more mental hallucinations appears increasingly: phantoms, voices, sounds, while the strongest blowouts Marked One deafens. Underground locations are the best hideouts - there the blowout completely lose it's effect.

- during the blowout all monsters fall into the prostration: dogs lie and whimper, bloodsuckers sit and do not react. Also, the blowout is not affect to Monolith members - they sit and pray, but part of them continues to fight.

2. Weather

- reworked and completely random weather.
- restored sun & moon (now, you don't need to enter multiplayer game, then - return and run singleplayer to see them)..
- new moon texture.
- darker nights.
- fixed weather on Radar/Pripyat/Chernobyl NPP removed - now, there will no be a cloudy sky and identical lighting all the time.

3. Other

- GPS-marker. This little thing makes it possible to tag important/useful locations on the map, which you can obtain on your PDA. For activation you have to drop it and enter an information text in the opening window.

- Different anomaly detectors appear in the game. Needs to be attached to the belt and turned on to operate correctly. The first detector - for detecting radioactive fields. Notifies about radiation presence with a sound. The second detector - for detecting anomaly fields and disturbances. Notifies of their presence with a sound. The third detector - it determines not only the presence of anomalous fields and disturbances, but also shows their arrangement on the map.

- You can continue to play after a proper ending of the game (freeplay). Also, in freeplay Chernobyl NPP -> Pripyat level changer added, and Chernobyl NPP -> Sarcophagus level changer disabled.

- BTW's and helicopters added in some places. For example, in the Cordon the block post is intensified by two BTW. If you'll be lucky enough to blow up them, military forces will call for the helicopter. Just run =)

- Reworked helicopter AI (rocket using, slight maneuvers; helicopter flies away, if it loses player from the field of the sight for a long time).

- A lot of fixes and additions.
Release 1.2
1. Artifact transmutation

Artifact transmutation: kind of "alchemy" from RPG - you can modificate artifacts: by placing them in the proper anomaly, you have a chance to find here a brand-new artifact over time. Or to spoil it. Quests for receipts, modified artifact levels and many other features. If you're lucky, you'll be able to create artifact with unique properties.

2. Sleep system

Brand-new sleep system:

- Now Marked One gets tired after 30 hours of action: it begins to double in the eyes, etc. If you continue to play and will not sleep, Marked One will fall asleep approximately after 6 hours.

- Energy drinks acts even as "anti-sleepy" means - being drunk, and this will give approximately an 2-3 hours to the time of the wakefulness, but it is possible to attain a similar effect only from the first three drunk jars - further, he will fall asleep in any case. Also, it gives inverse effect - Marked One will sleep longer if he's used an energy drink. Each subsequent jar acts more weakly - gives 3, 2, 1 hour of wakefulness respectively. During the action of stimulator it is not possible to open the sleep menu, since he's under the action of the energy drink.

- First-aid kits now possess small soporific action, each first-aid kit is nearing the time of falling asleep for 10 minutes.

- To sleep, use the sleeping bag in your inventory.

3. HUD

- Dynamic HUD: player's FOV lowers when you wear suits with masks, breath effect (glass becomes covered with moisture).

- Reworked HUD (new textures).
- New hit marks.
- New loadscreens.
- New PDA skin.
- New main menu.

- New submenu, where you can customize AMK features (hit [Esc] during the game, then choose "AMK Options").

Install Notes:


1. Download the initial EN release.
2. Unzip the archive and run the installer (important note: choose the right ingame resolution in the installer).
3. Download the 1.5 EN release (rev.28).
4. Update your current mod installation with it.
5. Make a right-click on your "fsgame.ltx"-file inside your S.T.A.L.K.E.R. main folder and open it with the editor.
6. Search for the line "$game_data$ = true| false| $fs_root$| gamedata\" and change the entry "false" to "true" (if it's look so).
6. Start the new game, the mod is now fully installed..


1. Just use uninstall.exe placed in the game folder.
2. The mod is now uninstalled.


AMK-EN 2.0 (rev.81)
Release Candidate 2

Mediafire - Mirror 1

(post is copied from ol-de, by bac9-flcl)
DOWNLOAD Oblivion Lost 2.2 for 1.0004
http://rapidshare.de/files/40226819/OL2 ... 04.7z.html

DOWNLOAD Oblivion Lost 2.2 for 1.0005
http://rapidshare.de/files/40226610/OL2 ... 05.7z.html
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