Load from save=BSOD

Discussions and Support on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Mods

Load from save=BSOD

Postby mjmcmahon67 on 02 Apr 2009 03:07

Hi all -

took me a few days to get authorized to post, but here I am at last!

I've posted this issue to the STEAM forums but I'm hoping that the modding community may be able to shine some light on this issue since it only appeared after I started loading mods. Initially, I thought it was related to mod changes but now I can't load savegames that worked previously despite making no changes to my configuration.

System Specs are as follows:
Intel Core i7 920
MSI Eclipse X58 motherboard
NVidia GX-285 video card

Any time I load an older savegame, I'll get a BSOD (0x50: Page Fault in Non Paged area). If I create a new game, it'll run just fine and I'm able to save games and reload them without issues but, apparently, only as long as I stay in the game. As I said, I was playing just fine a couple nights ago and loaded and saved a few times over the course of the night using a combination of quick and full saves. I came back yesterday to play some more and I get a BSOD when I load the same savegame that worked just last night. I'm about to do some more testing (wish me luck!) because I'm wondering if saving over the top of an existing savegame might be part of the issue.

I've done quite a bit of testing over the last couple of days. I can get into a savegame if I load a 'new' game first and exit back to the menu once I get into the game. Otherwise, I'll get a BSOD and I have to restart the machine. It doesn't appear to matter whether it's a Quick Save or a standard one.

I wasn't able to get an xray log for the times where I get a BSOD - it's blank when I return to Windows. I've put in a copy of the xray log from one of the successful loads when I've started a 'New' game and then backed out and re-loaded the savegame:

Code: Select all
* Detected CPU: GenuineIntel P3 family, F6/M10/S4, 2673.00 mhz, 23-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2

Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
--found external arch mp_military_2.xdb0
FS: 30894 files cached, 5152Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 2.633638 sec
'xrCore' build 3188, Oct 26 2007

Initializing Engine...
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[c:\users\public\documents\stalker-shoc\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
* [win32]: free[4065420 K], reserved[54488 K], committed[74332 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[7373 K], process heap[717 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[1172 K], smem[0 K]
Executing config-script "e:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[e:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "e:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx"...
! Unknown command:  r__dtex_range
! Unknown command:  r__ssa_glod_end
! Unknown command:  r__ssa_glod_start
! Unknown command:  r__wallmark_ttl
! Unknown command:  rs_detail
! Unknown command:  rs_skeleton_update
! Unknown command:  vid_bpp
[e:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "e:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[e:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
[c:\users\public\documents\stalker-shoc\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
devices Generic Hardware
SOUND: OpenAL: system  default SndDevice name is SB X-Fi Audio [0001]
SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1
2. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1
3. SB X-Fi Audio [0001], Spec Version 1.1 (default)
SOUND: OpenAL: SelectBestDevice is SB X-Fi Audio [0001] 1.1
SOUND: OpenAL: Required device: SB X-Fi Audio [0001]. Created device: SB X-Fi Audio [0001].
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: present
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: present
* sound : cache: 65538 kb, 7609 lines, 8820 bpl
Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:5E3]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285
* GPU driver:
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 1
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
*     Texture memory: 3030 M
*          DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_aref_v'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\def_trans_v_tuchi'
! Version conflict in shader 'def_shaders\lod_old'
! Renderer doesn't support blender 'effects\shadow_world'
! Version conflict in shader 'effects\watertest-1'
count of .thm files=4
load time=27 ms
* NULLRT supported
* ...and used
* HWDST/PCF supported and used
* NV-DBT supported and used
- r__tf_aniso 16
- r2_tf_mipbias -0.5
Starting engine...
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_icon_rank.xml] returns [ui_mp_icon_rank.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_map.xml] returns [ui_icons_map.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_common.xml] returns [ui_common.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_old_textures.xml] returns [ui_old_textures.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_ingame.xml] returns [ui_ingame.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_map_description.xml] returns [ui_map_description.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_models_multiplayer.xml] returns [ui_models_multiplayer.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo.xml] returns [ui_team_logo.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo_small.xml] returns [ui_team_logo_small.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mainmenu.xml] returns [ui_mainmenu.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_main.xml] returns [ui_mp_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_statistics.xml] returns [ui_statistics.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_hud.xml] returns [ui_hud.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_numpad.xml] returns [ui_numpad.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory.xml] returns [ui_inventory.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory2.xml] returns [ui_inventory2.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_iconstotal.xml] returns [ui_iconstotal.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_pda.xml] returns [ui_pda.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_npc.xml] returns [ui_icons_npc.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_monster.xml] returns [ui_npc_monster.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_unique.xml] returns [ui_npc_unique.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_buy_menu.xml] returns [ui_buy_menu.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_asus_intro.xml] returns [ui_asus_intro.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[color_defs.xml] returns [color_defs.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml]
Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
- r__tf_aniso 16
- r2_tf_mipbias -0.5
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
*** RESET [7069 ms]
"e:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - shadow of chernobyl\bin\xr_3da.exe" -nointro -noprefetch
* phase time: 0 ms
* phase cmem: 105140 K
Prefetching objects...
* phase time: 278 ms
* phase cmem: 94277 K
SERVER: Starting...
* phase time: 123 ms
* phase cmem: 94492 K
SERVER: Loading alife simulator...
* phase time: 33 ms
* phase cmem: 94492 K
Creating new game...
* Creating new game...
* Loading spawn registry...
* 8641 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 16758 objects are successfully saved
* Game all.sav is successfully saved to file 'c:\users\public\documents\stalker-shoc\savedgames\all.sav'
* New game is successfully created!
* phase time: 3761 ms
* phase cmem: 124564 K
SERVER: Connecting...
MaxPlayers = 32
* phase time: 137 ms
* phase cmem: 124564 K
CLIENT: Connecting to localhost...
# Player not found. New player created.
* client : connection accepted - <>
* phase time: 108 ms
* phase cmem: 124588 K
Opening stream...
* phase time: 41 ms
* phase cmem: 124588 K
Loading CFORM...
* phase time: 3978 ms
* phase cmem: 197255 K
Loading shaders...
* phase time: 470 ms
* phase cmem: 198314 K
Loading geometry...
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65525 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65466 verts, 2045 Kb
* [Loading VB] 17208 verts, 537 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65531 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 46595 verts, 1456 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 53181 verts, 1661 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048572 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 228285 indices, 445 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 14030 verts, 164 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 718302 indices, 1402 Kb
* phase time: 1422 ms
* phase cmem: 198673 K
Loading spatial-DB...
* phase time: 948 ms
* phase cmem: 203027 K
Loading details...
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
* [DETAILS] 40687 v(20), 26352 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(794K), IB(154K)
* phase time: 108 ms
* phase cmem: 203069 K
Loading sectors  portals...
* Loading HOM: e:\games\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - shadow of chernobyl\gamedata\levels\l01_escape\level.hom
* phase time: 41 ms
* phase cmem: 203259 K
Loading AI objects...
- Loading music tracks from 'l01_escape_musics'...
* phase time: 171 ms
* phase cmem: 203298 K
CLIENT: Spawning...
- Game configuring : Started
- Game configuring : Finished
[16-9] get_xml_name for[maingame.xml] returns [maingame_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[zone_map.xml] returns [zone_map_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[car_panel.xml] returns [car_panel_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[motion_icon.xml] returns [motion_icon_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[messages_window.xml] returns [messages_window.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_custom_msgs.xml] returns [ui_custom_msgs.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_new.xml] returns [inventory_new_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_item.xml] returns [inventory_item_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[af_params_16.xml] returns [af_params_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_new.xml] returns [inventory_new_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[pda.xml] returns [pda.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_map.xml] returns [pda_map.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_contacts_new.xml] returns [pda_contacts_new.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[events_new.xml] returns [events_new.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[news.xml] returns [news.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[encyclopedia.xml] returns [encyclopedia.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[actor_statistic.xml] returns [actor_statistic.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_dialog_character.xml] returns [pda_dialog_character_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[stalkers_ranking.xml] returns [stalkers_ranking.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[stalkers_ranking_character.xml] returns [stalkers_ranking_character_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_events.xml] returns [pda_events.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[pda_events.xml] returns [pda_events.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[job_item.xml] returns [job_item.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[talk.xml] returns [talk_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[trade.xml] returns [trade_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_item.xml] returns [trade_item_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[af_params_16.xml] returns [af_params_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[carbody_new.xml] returns [carbody_new_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[trade_character.xml] returns [trade_character_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[carbody_item.xml] returns [carbody_item_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[af_params_16.xml] returns [af_params_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[inventory_new.xml] returns [inventory_new_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
* phase time: 343 ms
* phase cmem: 211432 K
Loading textures...
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
- r__tf_aniso 16
- r2_tf_mipbias -0.5
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
*** RESET [7477 ms]
* t-report - base: 1117, 1091559 K
* t-report - lmap: 7, 7168 K
* phase time: 33958 ms
* phase cmem: 211432 K
CLIENT: Synchronizing...
* phase time: 45 ms
* phase cmem: 211432 K
* [win32]: free[2449084 K], reserved[85560 K], committed[1659596 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[1098728 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[211432 K], process heap[7750 K], game lua[25862 K], engine lua[203 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[3303 K], smem[0 K]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots.xml] returns [map_spots.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_escape.xml] returns [map_spots_escape.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_garbage.xml] returns [map_spots_garbage.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_agroprom.xml] returns [map_spots_agroprom.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_darkvalley.xml] returns [map_spots_darkvalley.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_bar.xml] returns [map_spots_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_military.xml] returns [map_spots_military.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_radar.xml] returns [map_spots_radar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_mp.xml] returns [map_spots_mp.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_relations.xml] returns [map_spots_relations.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[map_spots_lchangers.xml] returns [map_spots_lchangers.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[maingame_pda_msg.xml] returns [maingame_pda_msg.xml]
* MEMORY USAGE: 266052 K
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_load_dlg.xml] returns [ui_mm_load_dlg.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
* phase time: 55 ms
* phase cmem: 265079 K
SERVER: Loading alife simulator...
* phase time: 5 ms
* phase cmem: 265079 K
Loading saved game "around cordon.sav"...
* Loading spawn registry...
* 8641 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 17401 objects are successfully loaded
* Game around cordon is successfully loaded from file 'c:\users\public\documents\stalker-shoc\savedgames\around cordon.sav' (1.765s)
* phase time: 1764 ms
* phase cmem: 267285 K
SERVER: Connecting...
* phase time: 5 ms
* phase cmem: 267285 K
CLIENT: Synchronizing...
* phase time: 4 ms
* phase cmem: 267285 K
* [win32]: free[2133804 K], reserved[121060 K], committed[1939376 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[1225464 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[267095 K], process heap[11856 K], game lua[21829 K], engine lua[158 K], render[659 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[3211 K], smem[8610 K]
* MEMORY USAGE: 289887 K
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_abc_sleep.xml] returns [ui_abc_sleep.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[game_tutorials.xml] returns [game_tutorials.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_credits.xml] returns [ui_credits.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_movies.xml] returns [ui_movies.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[game_tutorials.xml] returns [game_tutorials.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_credits.xml] returns [ui_credits.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_movies.xml] returns [ui_movies.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_save_dlg.xml] returns [ui_mm_save_dlg.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 17395 objects are successfully saved
* Game around cordon.sav is successfully saved to file 'c:\users\public\documents\stalker-shoc\savedgames\around cordon.sav'
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
- Disconnect
- Destroying level
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
DestroySingleton::RefCounter: 0
Input:  1
Config-file [c:\users\public\documents\stalker-shoc\user.ltx] saved successfully
Destroying Direct3D...
* RM_Dump: textures  : 0
* RM_Dump: rtargets  : 0
* RM_Dump: rtargetsc : 0
* RM_Dump: vs        : 0
* RM_Dump: ps        : 0
* RM_Dump: dcl       : 0
* RM_Dump: states    : 0
* RM_Dump: tex_list  : 0
* RM_Dump: matrices  : 0
* RM_Dump: lst_constants: 0
* RM_Dump: v_passes  : 0
* RM_Dump: v_elements: 0
* RM_Dump: v_shaders : 0
refCount:pBaseZB 1
refCount:pBaseRT 1
DeviceREF: 1

For reference, the mods installed are: SWO v3, repair mod for 1.005, the ABC sleeping bag mod, Leandros widescreen, realworld weapons, and the sound overhaul. I also tried an upgrade to 1.006, but it made no difference.

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide!
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby jamie1992 on 02 Apr 2009 03:41

Your log as far as i can see shows a clean game exit, no Fatal Error.

Well, i know it happens if you have mods for the wrong patch that can sometimes do it, but as i said, im not sure, and the vodka is still lingering, so ill come back tommorow. XD

I Also can tell that your using Vista from the log.
Last edited by jamie1992 on 02 Apr 2009 13:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby mjmcmahon67 on 02 Apr 2009 04:11

Thanks, Jamie -

yes, I'm running Vista. It's Vista 64 though and, from what I've read, Vista 64 seems to have no problems with Stalker-SOC.

Interestingly enough, I was able to load a game tonight right out of the gate with no issues. I don't know whether that's because it was an auto-save or whether it's because of the upgrade to 1.0006. It does appear that the upgrade to 1.0006 seems to have partially cleared my mods - the repair and sleeping bag are still present and working but Smart Mod Manager doesn't show any active mods.
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby busetibi on 02 Apr 2009 04:18

upgrade to 1.0006?
you do realise 1.0006 was recalled because of certain "Issues" apart from that, might help if you listed the mods you're using, (it goes without saying that you've read the readme's to the mods and they are compatable with 1.0006) yes?
I know some people use and swear by 1.0006 nanderson for one
but ..............
as for using the SMM, lots of people use it, and lots of people have problems with it.
: shrug: I'm not dissing it or DR just telling it like it is.
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby audioave10 on 02 Apr 2009 05:27

I've heard people using Steam say that their best results are with patch 1.005. I don't use Steam myself and would not want
it where moddable games are played.
You have a nice PC for sure. Good Luck.
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby Nightwatch on 02 Apr 2009 16:10

Welcome mjmcmahon67 :mozilla_smile:

Before commenting on the BSOD episodes that you've been having, I'd like to join the voices that points that the patch 1.0006 has been recalled by the GSC some time ago due to various stability issues, as far as I remember.

On BSOD upon reloading old saves: the symptoms that you describe could happen (among other reasons, of course) when the screen ui settings have been altered after starting the game and attempts made to continue the game with new screen/hud settings. Such as if you change the inventory screen hud (slots, designs, etc) which then the game finds not suitable anymore to support the items, visuals defined (and registered) by older saves, it cannot proceeds, a BSOD is given under these circumstances.

Such as, if you change the items belt or inventory that had been allowing a certain number of items, and then if you change those setting in such a way that the set up will not allow same number of items to be shown -a limited number-(that may be a mod or a part of mod that you have later added), or the new aspects of this new design do not conform the previously registered settings, a BSOD is given.
You may wish to check if any of the mods (such as widescreen mod -I don't know this mod) have altered any aspects of inventory or any other parts. Hope this may provide some help. :mozilla_smile:
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby mjmcmahon67 on 02 Apr 2009 19:44

Thanks for the info on 1.0006 guys....I'd been unaware of it's status. The big question, of course, is whether reverting to 1.0005 will nuke my savegames or not.

Just for clarification: I'm running a retail copy of the game. The only reason I'd posted to the STEAM forums was because I knew there was still an active STALKER user community there and I'd hoped that perhaps developers were still monitoring those forums for users experiencing issues. Given that I've already received MUCH more support here than I ever had on STEAM, I'll be shifting my focus here. :)

As for SMM, I'd started using it with an eye towards easily being able to enable and disable mods that I either disliked or experienced issues with. If you can recommend a more stable platform for doing so, I'm all ears.


I'd be somewhat surprised if the circumstances you describe (changes in inventory layout, etc) were responsible for the savegame issues because I restarted the game completely (I'd only gotten part way into the Cordon when I started adding mods) when I ran into issues with the savegames. These issues started after I'd restarted the game. I'll be doing some more testing tonight (I'm curious whether my success loading savegames last night was due to starting from an autosave (when I transitioned from Cordon to Garbage), or because of the move to 1.0006.

Finally -

anyone got a list of "stable" mods? I'm mostly interested in graphical enhancements (like SWO v3) and some minor gameplay enhancements (the sleeping bag and repair mods). I'll admit that I only loaded Leandro's Widescreen mod because I wasn't entirely sure whether 16:10 monitors were properly supported under the most recent patches and I'd been using a similar mod (FOV fix) when I'd first started playing the game a couple of years ago.

Thanks to all for their ideas and assistance!

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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby mjmcmahon67 on 03 Apr 2009 18:41

Latest report: confirmed that the problem with BSODs still exists but, apparently, isn't affecting autosaves that are created when you switch levels.

Since I'm fairly certain that this issue is related to a mod, am I setting myself up for force start from the beginning of the game again if I reload from disc, patch to 1.0004 or 1.0005 and then load ZRP and selected other mods (Float32 and/or SWO v3, the repair mod, and the ABC sleeping bag mod)?

Thanks again for all your assistance guys....it's nice having people help rather than the deafening silence I've gotten on this issue on other forums! :)
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby Nightwatch on 03 Apr 2009 22:43

You're welcome. :mozilla_smile: It's at least an improvement that you can now proceed with your "auto-saves."

I think it's acorrect move under the circumstances to start new with a new installation. I would not think that those save-load issues might've been caused by SWO, ABC sleeping bag, or the Float 32, but I'm not quite so sure about the widescreen mod, given that you've been getting BSOD crashes.

While you're reinstalling, it may be worth a try, though it'd be tiresome, to start the game with one mod and see how it goes for a few save-load process, say running up to Garbage meanwhile. Then installing another mod and (starting a new game) then trying the same with this mod this time. Sort of elimination of the suspects one by one. Anyway, hope things get better, and please do update the situation. :mozilla_smile:
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby mjmcmahon67 on 03 Apr 2009 23:10

LOL....if I had the time, I'd certainly go thru that level of troubleshooting. Unfortunately, my gameplay is currently limited to afternoons on Sunday and 2 hours or so Monday thru Thursday. :mozilla_surprised:

I'll dork around with it some more this weekend. Ultimately, I haven't gotten all that far: up to the meeting with Seriy in the hangar and killing off the Bandit attackers before heading into Agropom. I've got a good selection of weapons at the moment, though...they'll be hard to give up. :mozilla_yell:
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby Grump642 on 04 Apr 2009 01:36

I had that problem once when I was trying some new stuff. In my case, it turned out to be an error in a Trader file. #-o Sounds crazy, but true. Also, NatVac could say for sure, it seems the xRay engine sometimes just screws up. Are you talking about hard saves, or quick saves? If the engine tried to save a body that just disappeared, this error could be carried forward to future saves.
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby nandersen on 04 Apr 2009 07:32

jamie1992 wrote:vodka is still lingering, so ill come back tommorow. XD

Jamie, I thought you said you were immune to vodka? :D

I don't swear by 1.0006 by any means. I've run the game with it for some time and it seems 100% stable. The only annoying thing that I noticed in 1.0006 is the increased spamming of the console with engine messages which makes it difficult to see my own debug lines.

If I should guess what the problem is I'd say it's an engine vs driver problem. As I understand Vista should be even more stable than XP and causing a BSoD is not easy - except for drivers.

As for SMM: it's probably one of the most useful pieces of software given to the modding community. The problem is, as I see it, not with SMM but the fact that modders don't embrace it and don't try to understand how it works. You can, in fact, automerge quite a few mods 100% correctly. Again, you need to UNDERSTAND a bit how it works to take advantage of its potential. The modders should listen to the players to learn what their mods will most likely be merged with and act on that input.

My current mod configuration: http://zhat.dk/stalker/pics/smm6.png
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby jamie1992 on 04 Apr 2009 13:51

nandersen wrote:
jamie1992 wrote:vodka is still lingering, so ill come back tommorow. XD

Jamie, I thought you said you were immune to vodka? :D

After drinking 5 litres of Premium Standard in 2 days, i dont think anyone can go about without being a zombie.
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby rockingmtranch on 04 Apr 2009 15:34

jamie1992 wrote:After drinking 5 litres of Premium Standard in 2 days, i dont think anyone can go about without being a zombie.

WHOA :-o
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby jamie1992 on 04 Apr 2009 16:16

rockingmtranch wrote:
jamie1992 wrote:After drinking 5 litres of Premium Standard in 2 days, i dont think anyone can go about without being a zombie.

WHOA :-o

Indeed, my GF has made me promise to stop drinking, the reason i drink is to numb shit out, but i guess ill just have to fight without the drink, anyway, i made a promise and i shall stick to it, Even Balious has had to put up with my alcoholic antics on Steam. (Sorry bal.)
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby NatVac on 05 Apr 2009 00:14

Why did you ask the Steam guys, mjmcmahon67? You aren't using Steam's version as far as I can tell.

If the symptom occurs with everything but autosaves, then it is very likely either a mod or a patch sync problem. (It could still be a quirky STALKER, but let's put that aside for the moment while we eliminate likely causes.)

Try static lighting as a test. If it stops having a BSOD, then suspect the video driver, but don't rule out other possible co-conspirators.


Some mods are patch specific, especially if they have a system.ltx file. Sometimes this can be fixed by changing current_server_entity_version to the correct value. See the Nymlit fable on page two of this thread: "Crash To Desktop (CTD): Causes and Treatment". I'd examine each mod in turn to see which has its own version of that file. The repair mod is usually the culprit.

Some mods screw up the fsgame.ltx file. This file is OS-specific. First make sure the file contains the right lines for your system.

Example $app_data_root$ setting for Windows XP:
$app_data_root$=true|false|C:\|Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\STALKER-SHOC\

Example setting for Windows Vista:
$app_data_root$ = true| false| C:\|Users\Public\Documents\STALKER-SHOC\

Also make sure that there are no duplicated lines, as this can cause initialization errors that often result in a BSOD.

As nandersen noted, BSODs imply driver or hardware issues. STALKER can cause these issues by supplying bad data to drivers, and that usually involves .ltx files with bad object construction -- again, a mod issue.

Finally, do not load mod-based save games into vanilla STALKER. If you remove a mod that added a special object or NPC to the game, the saves based on that mod will no longer work unless all special objects and/or NPCs are first removed from the game with a subsequent save prior to removing the mod.

Patch sync:

Patches check the save game version (after a fashion) and compare it to the current version to determine whether to process extensions when loading the saved game. Older patch saves won't have the extensions in newer patches, so the game will read the older patch as is, add the newer support structures, then save with those new structures in place. If this version check is out of sync, trouble ensues.

For this reason, if you are not starting a new game, you should patch in order.

Do not use 1.0 saves in any patched game. Do not use patches based on older saves without upgrading to the next patch in the sequence, loading the save, saving the game, exiting, then repeating for each patch. Do not use 1.0006/1.0005 saves in 1.0004, etc. Edit: Per nandersen: You can still use 1.0006 saves in 1.0005.

If you are still having problems with the patched game, test your installation by starting a new game. Save, exit, restart STALKER, load the save. If you still have problems after re-installing to a pristine directory, suspect your DVD drive (bad reads) or your hardware. Run a memory checker; see the CTD link above for tips on this and other things to try.
Last edited by NatVac on 05 Apr 2009 16:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby nandersen on 05 Apr 2009 07:06

NatVac, I was able to use 1.0006 savedgames back in 1.0005 with no problems at all.
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby NatVac on 05 Apr 2009 18:48

Yes, 1.0006 didn't change the single-player structures from what I recall, and the current_server_entity_version is the same as 1.0005. You've just added to the complexity of the support system, thank-you-very-much. :P

Joking aside, I'd rather have honesty than simplicity. Yet I must confess that I'm tired of needing the extra explanations and the endless repetition of fact because folks don't "get it".

You just don't know how many times I've quoted under my breath, "Don't you get it, retard?" -- especially with respect to the "hFile > 0" Nymlits.

Human life has a way of messing with Occam's Razor, it seems. I think it was Napoleon who warned against ascribing to malice what is adequately explained by incompetence. And this incompetence is a characteristic on the increase -- or so I perceive (my paranoia notwithstanding).

I've made quite a bit of money on this. True story: When I had installed a turn-key word-processing system for a non-computer-literate writer back in the 80's, I gave him some very simple instructions: Just turn it on and put the 5.25" floppy disks in the two drives, program disk in the left drive and his book in the right.

He called me on a weekend to complain that my system was broken, so I must have done somethig wrong; come fix it. I told him I'd have to charge double if the problem was his fault, but if it was mine the service call would be free.

It turned out he'd inserted the floppy disk in backwards, even though there was an <expletive-deleted> arrow on the <expletive-deleted> thing. It was worth a C-note, back when C-notes were real money. :)

Wow, this is now a moot POOT (post obviously off-topic). Eh.

As Grump642 noted, the engine has ... issues. But BSODs are usually fixable or workaroundable. (Is that a word?) If you are still getting a BSOD, mjmcmahon67, be sure that you disable "automatically restart" so that you can actually examine the report to see what hardware or driver DLL is implicated.
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Re: Load from save=BSOD

Postby nandersen on 05 Apr 2009 22:07

NatVac wrote:Yes, 1.0006 didn't change the single-player structures from what I recall, and the current_server_entity_version is the same as 1.0005. You've just added to the complexity of the support system, thank-you-very-much. :P

Joking aside, I'd rather have honesty than simplicity. Yet I must confess that I'm tired of needing the extra explanations and the endless repetition of fact because folks don't "get it".

I believe that different people need different instructions to "get it" ;)

Another possibility with the BSoD is that it may be caused by corrupted windows components or even incompatible antivirus software. I've seen this BSoD on a perfectly healthy hardware configuration where it was caused by some undetermined combination of services. That was, however, on a WinXP setup.
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