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Postby audioave10 on 14 Sep 2008 05:00

Information about Petrenko: Earlier I had noticed that Petrenko was out
by the north level-changer of Bar where he had helped kill off some of
the "enemy". After 4 gameplay days and getting ready to see Guide I
went to check and sure enough he was still there and just standing where he was 4 days earlier. I went to trade with him & after he seemed to
"snap out of it" and walked all the way back to his trading room. This
might not be necessary since I could still do jobs or trading with him. He
never went though the level-change so if he's missing I think you can still
find him. I had finished labs x18 and x16 so maybe that's why I could
both work for him or trade with him. Maybe his terrain still keeps him in
Bar area...not sure.
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Postby Nightwatch on 14 Sep 2008 05:46

You're too kind, audioave10. My vocabulary is not reach enough to respond to your compliments adequately as they deserve. :oops: You are the guys who have made this mod have this bit of success, thanks. :thumbright:

Great observations on Colonel Petrenko, and you're right, he should not leave the area until at least he has given the player all missions before the player finishes the game in NPP. But he may com eout of his quarters to join the fight (defend the Bar area) against attacks if those become too heavy at times. Then apperantly, he sometimes becomes too scared to get back, heh he. :D
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[b]48 hrs in Pripyat[/b]

Postby busetibi on 14 Sep 2008 14:11

I've been in Pripyat for 48hrs(ingame time) since coming back from Stancia 2,
looks like I've got a road trip to make as I've only got 11 shotgun shells, and 10 rounds of Magnum-XPSN left, but not all is lost as I still have my back up Vintar BC with 300 rounds of 9x39mm SP-5.
(I can't post the screens yet as I've reached my cap/limit with my ISP and I've been put back to 64kbps (bastards) anyhoo I've got to stop the kids from watching utube music vids so much, my new month starts on the 18th so I'll upload and post them then)
getting back to the story.............
with not leaving the map the bodies are piling up everywhere, I'm amazed the games not lagging because the streets are full of corpses.
Freedom, Duty and Hunters are having a battle royal in sniper alley(the street you walk down when you first enter the map) a few Duty have taken to the roofs and are sniping Freedom and Hunters, Freedom seems to be winning most of the battles although a few Duty guys do get through to the underground car park, I try and leave sniper alley alone as I get most of my crashes in that location.
A few Bandits show up, but they dont last long.
Monolith are constantly attacking the school building (my base) to try and take it back, the road running past the underground carpark is full of Monolith corpses but they keep coming and I keep killing them :twisted:
I have three Duty guys who will not move from the underground carpark, thats cool as they watch over me when I have to sleep.
I'm seeing more and more Military now, they tend to hang out down by the downed chopper ( along with the Controllers)
The Stadium has one Freedom guy wondering around, I go help him kill off the Snorks everytime I do my "rounds" of Pripyat.
lol, Doc is still hanging around underneath the Monolith HQ, he hasn't moved since I picked up the blue book.
Snorks are most plentiful in the Stadium, other than that I hardly see them in Pripyat.
Pseododogs are everwhere, they normally hunt in packs of 5-6 being lead by a Firebite.
Bloodsuckers are starting to show up, but not very often.
Burers/Dwarfs, seen a couple of them but again, not very often.
Horror Time. had about 6 of them since coming back.
Blowouts, only the one.
and now the big one.............
I'm coming across a few "tubemen" Controllers but most of them are just the normal type, my kill count for Controllers?
wait for it.........................................................
fkn love it :twisted:
so thats my current report from Pripyat, I'm going to leave on my next start up, prob go through Red Forest ( I know a Controller hangs out in side the forest and I want his dog tags) I'll pick up a few side missions from Lukash in AW then I'm going back to Cordon and work my way through the maps/zones and come back to Pripyat for my final stand/end game.
/me out
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Postby Nightwatch on 14 Sep 2008 20:22

Hey busetibi, it's an amazing description of the events, I felt I was there actually fighting the battle that you describe. :)

Wow, 67 controllers killed :thumbright: Your PDA stats seems to be going towards a new record.

I've added a Players Corners section to the website, not linked yet to the main page. Currently, it's mostly empty due to my time recently channelled to building this Forum so quickly. But I'll get back to the Players Corners and the already collected PDAs and other hit-count pictures will appear there quite soon. They can be updated regularly.

I hope you'll find Lukash alive when you've got back to AW. They are having some pretty heavy Horror-Times, blow-outs and also Merc/Duty/Monolith attacks there.

Too bad that your ISP connection has encountered some problems, so it seems we have to wait for the pictures a few more days then. Well, at least it's just a few days. :)
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Postby audioave10 on 15 Sep 2008 15:48

Finally gave the x-ray engine a stroke and it objected to the abuse and
sent me to the desktop. I was back in Cordon with a lightning storm
fighting bandits, military, dogs, pseudodogs and cats with other Stalkers
also shooting at them. There must have been 10 cats! Great fun.
I think I forgot to put the difficulty on Master and I'm on Veteran. I
noticed NO Firebites..could that be the reason?
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Postby Nightwatch on 15 Sep 2008 16:17

audioave10 wrote:Finally gave the x-ray engine a stroke and it objected to the abuse and
sent me to the desktop. I was back in Cordon with a lightning storm
fighting bandits, military, dogs, pseudodogs and cats with other Stalkers
also shooting at them. There must have been 10 cats! Great fun.
I think I forgot to put the difficulty on Master and I'm on Veteran. I
noticed NO Firebites..could that be the reason?

Wow, what a mayhem... Great, so you couldn't stop killing the enemies, mutants, felis, ACPs and finally killed the PC as well :D :thumbup:

Well, actually, there is no Veteran, or Novice in that effect in the Mod...
All play levels have been equalized. What ever you choose, you end up playing MASTER class. All damage and immunity levels and others NPCs and enemies responces are equalized across the board. By choosing a difefrent level, you slighly effect the the spawning levels, though. Choose master and you'll enjoy better, I beileve.:)
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Postby audioave10 on 15 Sep 2008 21:48

I would love to hate controllers...but I have a hard time finding the
bastards. Especially with blurred vision.

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Postby Nightwatch on 15 Sep 2008 21:57

audioave10 wrote:I would love to hate controllers...but I have a hard time finding the
bastards. Especially with blurred vision.


That's very good way of putting it. :D
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Postby audioave10 on 16 Sep 2008 00:08

I think I've killed 4 controllers now. Although I don't deserve to be on the
same planet as busetibi.

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Postby Nightwatch on 16 Sep 2008 01:31

audioave10 wrote:I think I've killed 4 controllers now. Although I don't deserve to be on the
same planet as busetibi.


:D If it comes to killing controllers, none of us deserve to be on the same planet with busetibi. Do you think that I have killed more than him? :D Wait, there'll be still many on your way.:violent3:
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Postby busetibi on 16 Sep 2008 09:12

audioave10 wrote:I would love to hate controllers...but I have a hard time finding the
bastards. Especially with blurred vision.


yea this a pet peeve with me about controllers, they are so damn hard to see/find, my way now is once I start feeling the "effects" I just stand still till I get the "red" flashes that way I know he's very close and by slowly turning around I can pin him down by the frequency of the "red" flash, of course sometimes I die 'cause I'm being attacked by 4 or 5 of the turds and by the time I realise whats happening, I'm history.
lmao, trying to find them in Pripyat at night is a total ball breaker
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Postby Nightwatch on 16 Sep 2008 18:24

busetibi wrote:
audioave10 wrote:I would love to hate controllers...but I have a hard time finding the
bastards. Especially with blurred vision.


yea this a pet peeve with me about controllers, they are so damn hard to see/find, my way now is once I start feeling the "effects" I just stand still till I get the "red" flashes that way I know he's very close and by slowly turning around I can pin him down by the frequency of the "red" flash, of course sometimes I die 'cause I'm being attacked by 4 or 5 of the turds and by the time I realise whats happening, I'm history.
lmao, trying to find them in Pripyat at night is a total ball breaker

Wow! busetibi It looks like you've turned to a highly-sensitive controller detector :D Such precision and fine-tuning. :thumbright: :violent3:
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Postby Draakon on 17 Sep 2008 09:38

Well, since the GSC forums are down(again) i thought i re-post my field report about this mod here.

1. NPC are slow to respond. When i went to wolf, it took some time before he talked with a radio after our chat. Same for those 3 Stalkers i met, it took half a minute before i was able to chat.

2. It took 2 clips of SMG to take down a bandit.

3. Prices. They are too high.

4. PDA is bugged.

5. Somehow Traders go enemy if Rookie village is enemy.
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Postby Nightwatch on 17 Sep 2008 13:11

Welcome Draagon to the mod and to the forum, and tanks also for posting your experience from the mod. :)

I could, and I would, give a more detailed answer if I knew your system specs and if you were running any other software/processes alongside while you were playing the mod.

I'm thinking around the lines of some processes ae effecting your PC performance, or system specs problems, that of course if you haven't made any alterations in any of the files. These we need to clear and eliminate first.

Thansk for giving detailed info about the problems that you witnessed. Yet, NPCs, as the example of Wolf, should not be that slow, though these things are relative from player to player; however, Wolf should not take (under any circumstances) for half a minute to radio his guys for "save Nimble" mission, after you speak with him. It only takes, say, two-three seconds.

So I thinks we're looking a sort of reasons I explained above. If you could give me the details about them, I can try to look into the matter deeper.

It should not take two clips of SMG to drop a bandit under normal circumstances. They ahe a certain resistance, but I set them so that they die with a few shots, in fact even one, depending on the gun you use and what body parts you hit. Difficulty tweaked towards damage values of Marked One.
(if you hit them (a good score) with so many bullets and if they are still on their feet, then it should point to a change in the values.)

You may consider to rerun the setups, they won't harm your saves. Just choose the same gaemplay version that you saved before. :)

Well, prices are high, pointing to an inflation possibly, because you can sell anything to anyone NPC as long as those items are not Quest items. So collection and the sale of many items from the bodies and from the ground (dropped items) as well as artifacts make earning money is not so difficult, when if the prices do not reflect this reality, then the player would be able to buy everything even at the beginning stage of the game, then they would lose the drive for achieving them, and may claim that the game is too easy to get everyting quickly. A difficult balance to make. :)

You haven't given details about your problem with your PDA, it must be connected to the above reasons. Please describe and state if you've made any alterations, in case. :)

Traders tend to support Duty (you mention the Rookie village) and Loners' attitude towards you will also affect their standing. You must have messed things quite alot somehere, upsetted many.

First of all, please let me know if you've made any alterations, and tell me about your system specs, and running processes.

Well, traders getting enemy depends on how many factions -and how seriously- you've upsetted. :)
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Postby busetibi on 17 Sep 2008 14:16

Draakon wrote:Well, since the GSC forums are down(again) i thought i re-post my field report about this mod here.

1. NPC are slow to respond. When i went to wolf, it took some time before he talked with a radio after our chat. Same for those 3 Stalkers i met, it took half a minute before i was able to chat.

2. It took 2 clips of SMG to take down a bandit.

3. Prices. They are too high.

4. PDA is bugged.

5. Somehow Traders go enemy if Rookie village is enemy.

I've had Wolf radio after I came back from clearing out the bandits and giving Nimble his suit.

dunno, never had that happen.

prices get better as you progress, Sid is/was always a robbing bastard.

if you try to look at contacts it will crash (least it did in v2.0) also sometimes it freezes when you look at the map, no biggie just leave the pda and come back to it, it should clear/work fine.

dunno, never had that happen.
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Postby Draakon on 17 Sep 2008 14:50

Ok system specs:

Intel Celeron 2.0 GHZ
512 MB ram
Ati Radeon 9600

I also installed Stalker on clean, patched to 1.0004 and then 2.0 and 2.4 patch of this mod.

PS: Slow NPC responding shouldn't matter, as they respond normal as in any other mod or vanilla game. Not only are quest site animations or stuff slow, even the bandits at car park were standing still the whole time till i shoot everyone dead.

The SMG problem doesn't occur anymore. Weird.

I tend to cheat on this game for money as i have played the storyline over and over(15 times) i like testing out different aspects of mods from beginning to end, with all thing i can crap at the beginning. After that, i start playing normal. :P

You could leave the prices as they are, but the only working cheat(as i mentioned before why i use) if found for money, gives and freezes it at 100k. Do you perhaps know where to change starting money?

Well, PDA works as it is supposed to work only thing is that the non-interactive parts of the PDA(that call buttons, e-mail etc.) is very small on a corner. Plus i think inventory items are too big(thought i like them as small)

Also, another testing has led to me that, after about looting 10 corpses, inventory items go black. Meaning i can't see them.

Traders should be neutral at all times, as in Vanilla game once, it happened that a one of the rookies crossed the line of my fire and went dead, thus all village being enemy. Trader was normal thought.

Also, did i mention a missing dialog from Wolf? I assume its the free ride on a helicopter? Anyway, its bugged, as i go to near the landed helicopter i see, it goes away and teleports me near it, thus dropping me dead.
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Postby audioave10 on 17 Sep 2008 16:12

Draakon...I hate to say it but your specs are just not enough for this game and mod. I'm sure
you can play alot of games just fine but Stalker is still one of the most hardware killing games
out there. On top of that, NEWSA is based off of Simbion and Simbion is a monster! I have a
2.8ghz dualcore, 2gb RAM and a 8800GTS 640MB (highly OC) and I can bring it to a crawl
sometimes if there is alot of action. I have read some posts similar to your problems and the
specs were also about the same.
As far as prices: they are high but as you do a few quests they will come down alot.
When you do jobs for traders they get familiar with you and lower their prices.
Good Luck
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Postby Nightwatch on 17 Sep 2008 16:53

Thanks Draakon for the follow up and providing system details, and also thanks to you busetibi for quickly rushing out to answer. :thumbright:

Draakon, first of all, before going further into the matters, I want to point that your PC specs are extremely low. I've never felt comfortable saying anyone, that their system is a bit lacking behind, which makes me feel like a PC salesman trying to sell PC to his players. Well, I'm not salesman, PC or otherwise. :)

Draakon wrote:Ok system specs:

Intel Celeron 2.0 GHZ
512 MB ram
Ati Radeon 9600

But, fact of the matter is that you cannot play this mod with 512 MB RAM and 2.0 celeron PC and the card is also somewhat, (though I'm not specialized on ATI products) quite behind the required technology. Even the vanilla STALKER requires 1.5 Gb RAM, and a higher CPU.
Well, I'm sorry to say this as it sounds like a joy-killer, but this mod requires 2Gb RAM and 2.6+ Ghz Pentium D or 2.4 core2Duo, or equivalent to pull it at least comfortably, lower than this, then problems are inevitable. PSU also plays a very very important role in feeding all the components properly.

Great majority of your problems (or others have similar ones) are related to system specs, and some may also related -in your case- in changing some values. I don't doubt about your ability to handle any work you may carried out, but this mod's values, workings are closely related and tied with some other stuff that one would not initially consider. Changing something, however innocent it may look like, may in fact affect some other elements that may be looking at those values.

Prices are dynamic, they get lower along the game as you progress and complete some specific missions. Game will monitor and know this. All traders offer different prices and their different prices change differently along the game. There are (many) more stages of trader price re-numerations that you can see in vanilla.
I think my answer explains the complexity of the affairs in the mod, and unsuitability of changing just one or two numbers in order to achieve something.

Money is not easy to come by, I know that; therefore I feel bad when saying that your system is not capable to pull this mod away, sorry.
But I'm very pleased with your interest and efforts in playing this mod. :) :thumbright:



PDA contacts crash was an original SIMBION problem. It has been resolved. But that and some others may still pop up if the system (CPU. RAM etc) cannot respond very well to the demands.
This is the picture of PDA, contacts button pressed and showing the contacts. :)

PS: How many controller kissed their as**s goodbye by now, btw?
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Postby Draakon on 17 Sep 2008 17:05

First of all, this computer has ran Crysis perfectly fine. With decent FPS too. Same with this game. Perfectly fine. Even some other new games. Perfectly fine. And no, vanilla game doesn't require more CPU and RAM.
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