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Postby Balious on 28 Sep 2008 13:01

Thanks nightwatch that seems to of fixed it.

I have more screenshots to post later like a snork having its hand through some wood and some others.
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Postby Nightwatch on 28 Sep 2008 14:27

Balious wrote:Thanks nightwatch that seems to of fixed it.

I have more screenshots to post later like a snork having its hand through some wood and some others.

Great to hear that you're running the game OK now. :thumbright:

Would be nice to see the pictures. :)
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Postby Balious on 28 Sep 2008 21:15

Hey night any chance i can get into the players corner :)?

Also two mostly newbie questions i think they are..

1. When i see loners on the floor i give them medkits but they dont seem to get up like other ones do (i.e fox would get up soon as you hand it but some loners dont). Does this mean i have wasted a medkit?

2. About my flashlight. Everytime i push the key to turn it on (C for me as i changed it) it does not turn on. I have also tried pushing default key which is L and that also doesnt work. I was wondering if it was the suit which i have is Stalker suit.

Thank you :)
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Postby Nightwatch on 29 Sep 2008 00:12

Hey Balious, you can of course get into the Players Corner. When you think your kill stats is good enough, send the picture of your PDA stats. You will achive a nice score around the middle of the gam eat least, further is the better. More kills will put you higher. Also try to capture interesting pictures, they mostly come battles; close up ones are always interesting, but, of course dangerous, too. You can die easily while trying to take pictures, like war correspondents do.

Post your pictures here, links or thumbnails please. Or you can post your pictures on "journal from the Zone" forum (section). You can check picture posting image size rules on the sticky there, you can also choose to put links or thumbnails as explained there.

There are no noob questions, don't worry. We can't know everything in the world.
Your flaslight/spotlight should work, regardless of your suit. You checked the key, it's still assigned to the spaotlight. So theer must have something gone wrong in your files. Have you mistakenly touched any values? It effects the outcome. Restart your PC, start your game, try a previous save that you remember that your spotligh was working.
If it still recovers, then you should consider reinstalling the game by running the setups again, choosing the same Horro-Tim evesrion you're playing now. It will not harm your saves. It'll just refresh the files in your gamedata folder.

secondly, yes some NPCs do get up a bit late, depending on their damage levels, but they do get up. However, you may also experience a glitch at times -neither the Stalker engine/game, nor the mod is God's made, after all :)- I can't say there will be no glitches. But don't worry, even in that situation, you won't be short-changed, (though not a lot) but still there are quite a good amount of medkits in the Zone. :)
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Postby Ultradad on 29 Sep 2008 06:32

Hello there :thumbright:

Going well, working on controller tags got 20 now :cheers: , long way to go :bounce:

I have this problem in pyprat, there is a small area if i go anywhere near i get this crash and error log, everywhere else is ok :scratch:


[error]Expression : vertex || show_restrictions(m_object)
[error]Function : CPatrolPathManager::select_point
[error]File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\patrol_path_manager.cpp
[error]Line : 155
[error]Description : any vertex in patrol path [pri_wave4_wsniper_2_walk] in inaccessible for object [bar_dolg_respawn_161974]

stack trace:

I am staying clear of it and having fun, its around the underground passage you go through with group on way to find decoder for cnpp
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Postby jamie1992 on 29 Sep 2008 11:56

Theres probably a anomoly on the same spot as the respawn.
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Postby busetibi on 29 Sep 2008 13:36

Ultradad wrote:Hello there :thumbright:

Going well, working on controller tags got 20 now :cheers: , long way to go :bounce:

I have this problem in pyprat, there is a small area if i go anywhere near i get this crash and error log, everywhere else is ok :scratch:


[error]Expression : vertex || show_restrictions(m_object)
[error]Function : CPatrolPathManager::select_point
[error]File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\patrol_path_manager.cpp
[error]Line : 155
[error]Description : any vertex in patrol path [pri_wave4_wsniper_2_walk] in inaccessible for object [bar_dolg_respawn_161974]

stack trace:

I am staying clear of it and having fun, its around the underground passage you go through with group on way to find decoder for cnpp

this is a common CTD for Pripyat, I normally get it in two places, like you it happens beside the school just before the underground car park and by the garages,the garage one seems to happen when a lot of Freedom guys are in that location and as Freedom hold that section of the map I try and keep clear of it till they get themselves wasted by Duty.
(edit: this is when I returned to Pripyat after Stancia 2)
yes, you have a long way to go atm I currently have 170 tags :)
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Postby Nightwatch on 29 Sep 2008 16:14


Yeah, very good tips from busetibi, he has learned the every tactical turn in the game. :) I'd do the same as he proposes actually. That type of problem occurs when a lot of repawning happens and the engine cannot place them properly. Even in vanilla palying, this problem quite visible in Pripyat, and when considering that this mod generates significantly more NPCs and mutants, then we need to tactical field management like busetibi does, staying away from that area for a few minutes like that :)


170+ controllers? Are you trying to give the poor Xray engine heart attack while it tries hard to respawn more controllers for your appetite? :D :thumbright:
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Postby busetibi on 29 Sep 2008 23:06

Nightwatch wrote:Ultradad

Yeah, very good tips from busetibi, he has learned the every tactical turn in the game. :) I'd do the same as he proposes actually. That type of problem occurs when a lot of repawning happens and the engine cannot place them properly. Even in vanilla palying, this problem quite visible in Pripyat, and when considering that this mod generates significantly more NPCs and mutants, then we need to tactical field management like busetibi does, staying away from that area for a few minutes like that :)

yea I think it's just the amount of work the engine has to do,
in that area around the garages, you have Freedom,Duty,Dark Stalkers,Hunters,Bandits,Loners and Monolith spawning in on a regular basis and thats not taking into account the mutants,
in the underground carpark area, you have Monolith,Duty,Loners,Military,Bandits and again the mutants,
I also make hard saves as well as the quick saves as I'm finding some (not all) saves are being corrupted for some reason,on my "sweeps" around Pripyat I'm making approx 7 saves a "sweep"
lol, I'm running out of names to call them as I have that many.

edit: I have my ingame spawn option set to very frequent (1-2 hours) so Pripyat is an absolute war zone, no rest for the wicked ;)
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Postby Nightwatch on 29 Sep 2008 23:46

So it is stil: Mayhem... pure mayhem. :violent1: :)
Well, Guys, after a week or two delay in the update work (due to forum creation), now I'm back on it. I hope that next week it'll be ready for release, so far several small yet nice to have corrections done in various things, a problem that I noticed with some hunters that were seen crashing the game upon attempting to speak with them has been repaired,
As said before Pripyat Doc and BS Sak removed, some quest items -as they are no longer needed because of all the level changers are now given as a level-based-mission reward (Sakharov case) - are also removed, some of which those Playboy magazines.
Slight visual/graphical touches on NPP earhquake sequence,
A new music for main menu -very cool- Main menu received a bit touches, too; now menu panel wheel works betetr and there is again a transulent window moving over the choices,
After seeing that adding more artifact will cause
Some outfit values, artifact values reworked,
Additional more translations done (and still continuing)
In addition to Blur effect/ no blur, there will be also a depth of field/ no debth of filed options available.
Work is still continuing, a couple of other tweaks can also jump into the delivery wagon at the last stages. :)

(Meanwhile, long term work for version 3 is on the table, it has been there for some time in slow cooking. :- As you know, they say good food is cooked slow. I hope they're right. :) )
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Postby busetibi on 30 Sep 2008 02:09

I know I've mentioned it before and I was going to wait till my End Game report, but that has been put off due to amount of fun I'm having, I've started to add sweeps of all RF (up to the AW portal) with my Pripyat sweeps, reason being after two days (ingame time) the bodies are piling up and creating a bit of lag in certain areas, so with me leaving Pripyat it gives the game time enough to clear out most of the bodies.
screen looking down from the school building, past the underground carpark, Monolith are constantly trying to re-take the school,lots of kills here. ... ipyat_.jpg
as you can see in this one,Duty hold one side of the street and Freedom(green) and Loners hold the other side,Bandits and Monolith also join in the fun, as this fighting is constant, the bodies pile up quick,lol no way can you walk down this street (arrow direction) without taking friendly fire. ... ipyat_.jpg
anyhoo back to original reason for the post,
when I first entered Pripyat I "saved" 4 loners after 5 attempts, the four made it to the underground carpark but when I tried to "Trade" with them I couldn't because they went on "Alert" and moved out in two directions, I had to make a choice who I was going to follow as I couldn't follow the two groups at once,the group I followed came under attack by firebites and snorks I couldn't save them :(
so I ran to try and hook up with the other group but they were all dead as well, so despite my best efforts no trader in Pripyat, I'm not sure if anything can be done with this,
ammo drops on corpses in Pripyat after Stancia 2,very, very, very limited
after almost a week (ingame time) in Pripyat I've only come across two Bandits that dropped 3 shotgun shells each, even collecting all the rifles I only get 2 or 3 bullets when I "Unload" them.
I'm getting no ammo for the Vintar BC, none for the FN2000NW-SPX, although I did find 20 rounds in a stash, so yea needs looking at me thinks.
Horror Times.
would it be possible to up the amounts of Zombies during Horror Time, the small Horror Times gives me about 7 zombies and the full blown Horror Time gives me about 14,
other than those three minor issues, things are rocking :)
edit: added screens.
posted the same screen twice :(
Last edited by busetibi on 30 Sep 2008 05:29, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby jarxale on 30 Sep 2008 05:11

Hello I am new here. :D Started on a clean 1.004 install of SOC and SIMBION 2.4, no changes made to any of the mod. Been playing the mod for a few days now, here is a list of problems I have encountered.

1. After talking to Wolf to get quest for finding Nimble, once the dialog ends, the game would freeze up, cant ATL-tab or ctrl-atl-del to end task. Have to do a reboot of computer.(This occurs as well on 1.005 version with the compatibility system file. )

However, if I run in windowed mode, I managed to get past the dialog and continue playing no crashes.

2. While playing, I seemed to get random CTD 4-5 times every hour. Here is an example of the error from the crash.


[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 73
[error]Description : <no expression>
[error]Arguments : LUA error: C stack overflow

stack trace:

Scheduler tried to update object esc_blokpost_commander


[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 73
[error]Description : <no expression>
[error]Arguments : LUA error: C stack overflow

stack trace:

Scheduler tried to update object esc2_dogs_zamost

3. There is a confirmed crash if I tried to put on the exoskeleton VG-P (dark blue exo) purchased from the Yantar lab. It gives the following log:


[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 73
[error]Description : <no expression>
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...of chernobyl\gamedata\scripts\mod_zen_outfits.script:60: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'value' (a string value)

stack trace:

(The stack trace ended without further output on the log.)

As suggested by Nightwatch to rerun the setups, the problem 2 and 3 still persists. I currently still on windowed mode. :-k Any help is appreciated.
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Postby Nightwatch on 30 Sep 2008 14:48

Hey busetibi What a devastation you live behind. :) :thumbleft:
There are so many dead bodies on your radar screen, it's also amazing that how game sustain this onslaught of yours technically. You really leave your mark there. :thumbright:

OK, I will increase the ammo drops on deads bodies in Pripyat and in NPP.
It's bad luck that Pripyat trader(s) came under heavy attack this time. It's difficult to make stationary trader in Pripyat at this stage, it's currently tied into the gameplay, but I will be thinking on it.
You've become a Horror-Time zombie-slayer as well, but I'm not quite sure if everyone would want more zombies. It can be added, no problem, but they tend to kill Stalkers a lot and the player, if player doesn't clean them quickly. I can increase them in Full-Horror time, though. :)



I'll answer you shortly, now I have to go out. business. :)
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Postby busetibi on 30 Sep 2008 15:22

Nightwatch wrote: I can increase them in Full-Horror time, though. :)

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Postby VINTAR on 30 Sep 2008 15:28

Man you guys like your mutants or what :rr:
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Postby Verton23 on 30 Sep 2008 21:06

VINTAR wrote:Man you guys like your mutants or what :rr:

I like'em stuffed,LOL. :kermit:

BTW, you have a killer avatar. Is it stuffed? :D
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Postby Nightwatch on 30 Sep 2008 22:11


OK. I'm back, and sorry for a late reply. First of all thank you for your post and letting me know of your problem.

Before start, as a routine, checking the installation procedure:
First, the main mod version 2.0 needs to be installed, then the patch 2.4 is applied, creating a version 2.4 game.

You say that no other mods have been installed or merged or any changes in any of the files have been done. OK.

First thing, thank you for the information that you've provided on exoskeleton VG-P suit. I've found that it's values are in contradiction with the assessments done by the tied script. The suit and the script have been added to SIMBION by original SIMBION team.

I've corrected the values, and the game now does not crash upon putting the suit. (However, you may wish to use a Nona suit, as it's the best suit in the game. It's your choice. :) )

This work will be included in the upcoming patch, but until it arrives, you can:

Please open the "gamedata\config\misc\outfits_unique.ltx file with a notepad or notepad++

Then, (if you notepad++ you'll see line numbers) go down the page and locate (line 115)
;---/ outfit_lethalspeed_exo_m1 #~#
[outfit_lethalspeed_m1]:exo_outfit ;--blue

And on line 151, you'll see those:
Change the values in font of each as seen below:
That section should look like this after you've changed the values:

Code: Select all
health_restore_speed          = 0.00003
bleeding_restore_speed          =  0.003
power_restore_speed             =  0.02
radiation_restore_speed         =  0.005
satiety_restore_speed          =  0.0002

Please be careful on the number of zeros, easy to make mistake. The suit will work when you put it on, however it's very radioactive.


On other matter, you say that you’ve got this suit in Yantar, and you're still getting crashes every 15 minutes or so, which are related with escape (Cordon -Newbie Village) ?

esc_blokpost_commander ?

esc2_dogs_zamost error can be generated by all.spawn changes (or usage of another one) also changes done in one or more of the smart_terrain_presets.ltx, general_lager.ltx, general_lair.ltx files, not limited with.
This is a link from a conversation between two top modders in respect of spawning a bloodsucker in Cordon, received error is again esc2_dogs_zamost over there as given reference.

These are the possible causes, I'm not saying that you have this one or that one, because I don't have access to your PC and cannot know exactly what combination of things going on , or its specs, because you haven't given any specs.

--changes done in all.spawn, and/or smart_terrain_presets.ltx, general_lager.ltx, general_lair.ltx by the person or any contamination
--Existance of a crack.exe on the engine
--Existence of a particular harmful software
--Low specs on PC which cannot compute properly (as you've said that you can only manage to play in windowed mode, otherwise the PC freezes, this may be a more reasonable cause.)

Please check the recommended specs in the readme file and on the Mod Website. This mod requires high specs.

If you cannot continue playing, I can recommend some other mods that we have in GSC community, very attractive mods. Ol2.2 and fatrap's R&G3 mods are also high-octane ones. :
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Postby Kanyhalos on 30 Sep 2008 22:33

This is script error, the answer is deep inside the scripts folder.
jarxale, at first try with clean install without changing anything.
And make sure you installed the 1.0005 compatible pack properly.
I think you messed up the mod, anyway.
Regarding your crashlog, I see that your game is 1.0004, then why are you talking about an 1.0005 pack?
But this crash can be related to a badly configured scheme.
Nightwatch, I would recommend you to look into them, they are loaded from modules.script, you'll see their names.
I'd suggest you to remove the anomaly_evader, the blowout_scheme.evid_anomaly is already enough.
There is no problem at all with those npc's who are in the logfile, the crash just occurs on them.
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Postby busetibi on 01 Oct 2008 03:08

VINTAR wrote:Man you guys like your mutants or what :rr:

not just Mutants ;)

heres a couple of screens from last nights gaming,
this one is with my back to the Pripyat switch looking down the hill, I would like you to check out the switch itself, you see those "dots" inside the circle of the switch icon?
fkn Monolith,they wouldn't come through ( lol ) some of them would stay in the switch firing at me, of course I couldn't get too close as I would be hit by the level change,the sly turds were pulling bodies out of the way to make room for themselves and snipe me. ... radar_.jpg

second screen is me standing on top of the radioactive car looking towards the switch, the cars kinda neat as long as you have lots of rad protection, standing close to it at night lights up the whole area so you dont need night vision or your torch, nice little trick I found out by accident. ... radar_.jpg

all the kills are mine,it's not like in Agro where you discover all those Loners bodies, when I came through the switch into RF not one body was on the road, but I did spend all (ingame) night fighting off Monolith,Bandits, Mutants and went through one minor and two major Horror Times (and 4 Controllers)
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