Favorite movies and stuff like that

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Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 16 Nov 2008 15:54

Just post your favorites or talk about different movies. It doesen't necseraly have to be a movie, can be a anime or a cartoon also.
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Postby jamie1992 on 16 Nov 2008 15:58

How High, Featuring Redman and Method man. :P

Fast and Furious series, Family guy and simpsons movies, Alien series, Mad Max etc etc etc.
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Postby DARK TEMPLAR on 16 Nov 2008 18:19

Some comedys: Snatch, Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels, Keeping Mum, the stuff with Monthy in it, and also Atkinson, there are other British comedys aswell but can't remember right now.
Some cartoons and animated feature: Avatar The Last Airbender, now it isin't just any other cartoon, indeed it sometimes show the annoying facial and body animations and some overly common cartoon humor but the the main story and the way it's depicted is actually quite serious. In my opinion can't be compared to Samurai Jack tho (another really good cartoon) but overall good; Samurai Jack, easily the best cartoon yet, ran on CN a while back but they cut the production for some reason; Atlantis The Lost Empire; Titan A.E;Interstalla 555; Ghost In The Shell 1 and 2; Jin Roh ( or Wolf Brigade eng title ); Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust; Paprika; there are many more.
Other movies: Shawshank Redemption; The Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back; I Robot; Dune, The Children Of Dune; and again there are many others that I just can't remember at the moment, my collection is huge
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Postby Balious on 16 Nov 2008 18:39

Ok whats with everyone naming all the movies i like.

Heres mine:
Lord of the rings
star wars
ninja scrolls (manga/anime)
Vampire Hunter D (This film just pwns most of the anime films)

Heres some TV series:
Prison Break
Visionaires (cartoon aint seen it in ages)
Battletech (cartoon series about mechs)
More (i think)
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Postby MeanderingBeing on 17 Nov 2008 10:07


1: Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
2: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
3: Hitman
4: Max Payne (That is, whenever the hell it comes out and if its as good as it looks. If not, ignore this)
5: Die Hard With a Vengeance
6: Hamburger Hill
7: Jimi Plays Berkeley (could be seen as a movie-ish kinda thing)
8: CloverField (Are you kidding? That movie was terrible! I wouldn't even watch that damn thing again. I spent half an hour microwaving that dvd...)
9: A Clockwork Orange
10: Aliens
11: Predator
12: Alien
13: Terminator
14: John Carpenter's The Thing
15: Species (Jst kidding! But seriously, whats wrong with a hot chick who screws guys then eats em? Wow I wish Maiman was here for this. I'll fill in for him... Bow Chicka Bow Wow! Tucker SHUT UUUUUUUUP!)
16: Pink Floyd the Wall
17: Top Gun
18: Young Frankenstein
19: Monty Python the Flying Circus
20: Red Dwarf
21: What the Bleep Do we Know?

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Postby Nightwatch on 17 Nov 2008 14:59

Good lists here, I need to think a bit and put a list as well. :)

OK, A few TV series series first, as they are easier to list than the film. (films later)
TV Comedy Series:
Larry Sanders Show
Married with Children (Al Bundy's show)

My Name's Earl
30 Rock
Las Vegas

King of the Hill
South Park

Serious TV shows:
Mad Men

OK... continues: MOVIES:
in addition to those all Arnie, Rambo, Bruce Willis, all-action, guns blaring movies, and very cool spy movies)
Blood Diamonds
Apocalypse Now
Good Fellas
Carlito's way
Oceans Eleven
Oceans Twelve (just for Zeta-Jones) :)
Bourne Ultimatum/Supremacy/Identity
The Rock
Meet the Fockers
(These are just a few, I like movies, and may post a very long list. skipped all time great classics, of course.)
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby dke58 on 31 Dec 2008 02:29

hello stalkers.

suprised that no one listed Black Hawk Down..... (gotta be one of the best war films ever made, good old ridley scot!)
but i`m a huge war film nut, specially WW2 flix such as,
kelly`s heroes
dirty dozen (1st one best, sequels bit of a let down)
band of brothers (the series)
dam busters
the guns of navarone
the longest day (very good film, story told from 4 sides, its long but defo worth a watch)
battle of the bulge (dvd has an intermission about half way thru like old school cinema)
where eagles dare
enemy at the gates
the 9th company a MUST see film for all stalkers, Russian film, based on fact, set in 1988 afghanistan.

also 2 or 3 vietnam war films, but most are lame!

also lots of sci-fi and horror films, from the obvious block-busters (star wars etc), down to low budget, cheap & cheesy ones.

Also, not a film but looks like a really interesting documentry (only watched first 15mins so far).
was on discovery channel other day, not sure if available on dvd, or if its on net as a torrent, but defo worth a look.

reckon thats enough waffle from me today

Happy New Year to all

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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby Nightwatch on 02 Jan 2009 17:59

Yeah, certainly good movies in the "war movies genre." :mozilla_smile: Black Hawk Dawn is particularly a well done film with a very strong reality-of-war punch.
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby EggChen on 02 Jan 2009 19:01

dke58 wrote:hello stalkers.

Hey dke58, nice to see a new member!!

Yep, BHD is great, but of your listed films I would have to say Kelly's Heroes is my favourite!!
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby jamie1992 on 02 Jan 2009 19:07

Band Of Brothers, best ever war series/movie ever made, ill fight anyone to the death if they disagree. :P

And yes, good to see new members springing up. :)
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby dke58 on 07 Jan 2009 01:12

hi stalkers.

thanks for the warm welcome, pretty new to using forums etc.
still not managed to watch that Battle for Chernobyl documentry yet, but will post a review when i have.
BHD has gotta be one of Ridley Scotts best works to date, (should change his name to midas!)

to EggChen - who is your favourite character ? gotta be Oddball for me, (i`m a tank fanatic)

to Jamie1992 - defo best series i ever seen, great writing/directing and some truely amazing acting from such a diverse cast. hope your keeping well, its never good when your head starts to implode!!! just remember "Wu-Tang clan aint notin to f@#k with" ..... method man has skills.

anyhow, gotta go now and help defend rookie camp from those damned soldiers !
will try make my next post more game related too.....

Everybody take care and a belated happy new year to you all.
till next time.
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby jamie1992 on 07 Jan 2009 01:52

dke58 wrote: to Jamie1992 - defo best series i ever seen, great writing/directing and some truely amazing acting from such a diverse cast. hope your keeping well, its never good when your head starts to implode!!! just remember "Wu-Tang clan aint notin to f@#k with" ..... method man has skills.

Hey man, yeah BOB is epic, as for Wu Tang, i take it your a fan, if so can i just say....DUDE YOU ROCK!

I have MAD respect for true fans of Wu Tang, i myself am maybe THE biggest fan alive, seriously, you can ask anyone, and they can vow to my Wu Tang madness. :P

Method Man has got some mad skills, lyrical killer infact, but you can't focus on just one member of the group.

ODB RIP, was a pioneer in the industry, he was a HUGE influence, and man who deserves respect no matter what, even if he wasnt the most best of people, its regardless to the fact he is an amazing guy, god rest his soul.

RZA A.K.A Bobby Digital A.K.A Prince Rakim etc is just wow, and as a producer he is into some mad shit, and has got some tight ass beats and songs, and his work with the other members just boosts his respect from me even further.

Method Man A.K.A Ticallion Stallion etc, has mad lyrical skills, and some of his collab's are killer, Hes the kid with the golden arms, hes the motherfucking hot nikks.

U-God, again, good at ripping on the mic, not my fave to be honest.

Raekwon A.K.A Raekwon The Chef etc, i quite like him, seems to be a down to earth bloke, and his albums are pretty tight as hell.

Masta Killah, not really the person i pay alot of attention to TBH.

Inspectah Deck, now i have to say, in the song Triumph, which btw is the song that i play to EVERYONE im introducing Wu Tang to, which is alot might i add, he fucking ripped it clean, his verse was absolutely amazing, clean cut raw dosage to the mind.

GZA A.K.A Genius, for work on his Coop with Rza on alot of stuff, earns him mad respect, from myself but hopefully from others.

Ghostface, some insane tunes, alot of heavy deep meaning, not one i pay alot of attention to though to be honest.

Wu Tang, on the whole, for me represent EVERYTHING i want rap to be about, they in my opinion, are the only real and true rappers out there, besides Jedi Mind Tricks, and Immortal Technique, those 3 if not ONLY those 3, are the only real rappers keeping the industry alive, the likes of LIL WAYNE, Soulja Boi, all need to be fucking shot, all typical mainstream corrupt sell outs killing the industry, i wont go on, as once i wrote a 5000 word essay so to speak, on the industry as part of a thing i was asked to do, i can go on forever but you get the gist of my post.

Sorry about language but you know, its Wu Tang, what can i say, and if Dke58 is a true fan of Wu Tang, and really understand that Rap is a subculture of the Hip Hop lifestlye, and that he can understand where im coming from, then me and him will get on very very well
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby EggChen on 07 Jan 2009 02:46

dke58 wrote: to EggChen - who is your favourite character ? gotta be Oddball for me, (i`m a tank fanatic).

Defo, not because of the tanks, he just is the best character, no argument!!
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby dke58 on 07 Jan 2009 03:31

hello again.....

damn those soldiers and their stalker-seeking-grenades.....

So what styles and artists does everyone else dig ?
got a large and very diverse collection myself. (here is small list represnting my favourites in diff genres)

thats off top of my head, but all personal favourites. listen to alot of spoken word too (audio books, also comedy`s and drama`s thanks to BBC7)

And like a good laugh too.... best stand-up at the mo has got to be Ross Noble.

Used to read alot, mostly fantasy/sci-fi or ancient histort, philosophy and psychology texts, as well as alot of counter-culture stuff.

what tickles your fancy ? ? ?

To Jamie1992 - cant really comment on most of the Wu, actually got into meth`s solo stuff first which led to WuTang, but O.D.B. was quality, great character and some o funiest hiphop ever heard. but favourite tune is the meth/mary j blige version of All i need- bit soppy maybe but one hell of a great tune.

till the next episode.....
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby dke58 on 07 Jan 2009 03:35

Jamie1992 wrote
Sorry about language but you know, its Wu Tang, what can i say, and if Dke58 is a true fan of Wu Tang, and really understand that Rap is a subculture of the Hip Hop lifestlye, and that he can understand where im coming from, then me and him will get on very very well

almost forgot ! KRS-1 / BDP. so defo understand what you mean about hiphop lifestyle/culture.
cant believe missed him off the list.....

got to go do some penance now to atone for my sins !

Take care all.
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby jamie1992 on 07 Jan 2009 03:39

AH right i see, thats cool, yeah all i need is a great song, infact its one of the songs me and my girl have and class as "our" Song, if that makes sense, still glad to see you understand within reason what i meant, most dont lol.

Btw man, you clash, if so wanna run for it?
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby dke58 on 07 Jan 2009 04:00

jamie1992 wrote:AH right i see, thats cool, yeah all i need is a great song, infact its one of the songs me and my girl have and class as "our" Song, if that makes sense, still glad to see you understand within reason what i meant, most dont lol.

Btw man, you clash, if so wanna run for it?

good song for a couple. but what you mean by "Btw man, you clash, if so wanna run for it?" you lost me on that one bro! soz.
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby jamie1992 on 07 Jan 2009 04:06

Was asking if you battle, if so wanna spit some, see who that lyrical spark, will be fun, and its not serious, basicaly theres many styles, Off the top of the dome, so basicaly on the spot, known as MC'ing, but more freestyle, theres Reheasrsed, so you got write some bars, come back, and spit em, well write em in this case, one line killer, so you start the bars with a small sentence, and then you say one line per post and it forms to a verse and so on, you can do, kill the guy infront, or above as it would be, so for example a person will start off saying a certain object, then the next person in line has to make a quick freestyle verse on how the person above him is killed with the object chosen by the dude above/infront, then after hes done, the person who post killing the person above, names another object, of which the next person to post kills them with that object and on and on it goes.

Up to you man, its good fun, we could rope the others into it aswell maybe. :P
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Re: Favorite movies and stuff like that

Postby dke58 on 07 Jan 2009 04:20

aahhh.... got ya !
dont do the vocal thing myself, too shy/self-conscious.....haha.
but few years ago was involved in a few musical outfits, on creative side was part of a trio making abstract electronica (did all the beats and i guess creative direction), but also did alot of production and mixing/remixing for other projects.
still got couple of mates active on the scene but was always more of a "background/behind the scenes" kind o guy.
was good while it lasted but in the end certain ego`s got out of control.

having said that if you ever need any chunky, clunky, grinding beats put together let me know, will knock up some loops for you.
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