Tweaking OL 2.2

Discussions on Modding of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC & Clear Sky

Tweaking OL 2.2

Postby Kaidonni on 25 Dec 2008 23:34

Decided that I'd go back to OL 2.2 and make a few tweaks before I started a new game. I'm no expert on modding, and some of the advice I've got from the GSC Game website has confused me in the past...

The things I'm most interested in modding at the moment are more monsters from Blowouts, having those cats spawn more often than just from Blowouts, how to make the player more susceptible to radiation, and finally tweaking artifact and suit abilities/stats. I can mess around with the economy later, and the items found on dead NPCs (one of my main focuses). Maybe the weight limits of different suits, too (although I have reset the max weight to 50, and you can't walk anymore at 60...).

What do I need to do for the things listed above? Rather, what files do I need to look out for and mod? Don't really fancy touching the all.spawn...

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Tweaking OL 2.2

Postby EggChen on 26 Dec 2008 00:43

Kaidonni wrote:having those cats spawn more often than just from Blowouts.

all.spawn I am afraid, unless Kany has scripted mutant spawns in (I am guessing he only scripted spawns in for the blowouts).

Kaidonni wrote:how to make the player more susceptible to radiation.

I don't have the files with me at the moment, but I am pretty sure you need to be looking at config\creatures\actor.ltx

Kaidonni wrote:tweaking artifact and suit abilities/stats.

config\misc\outfits.ltx, config\misc\unique_items.ltx and config\misc\artefacts.ltx
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Re: Tweaking OL 2.2

Postby Kaidonni on 26 Dec 2008 12:07

Hmmm...well, I suppose I'm gonna have to lock horns with the system then. Shame, that. Have to install something, I recall, to get it to work properly. Anyhow, shouldn't be too much of a troublemaker, just inconvenient that it has to be done that way (wish the all.spawn was just another .ltx file or something).

Another thing I forgot to ask was how to make it so that the moon doesn't necessarily come out every night. Now and then, sure, but like clockwork? I'd rather some nights be entirely overcast or rainy and such.

I've already decreased the number of slots for suits to 5 (10 was far too much). It occured to me I could add in Detectors and maybe make anomalies invisible (or almost invisible). Now, how to add in Detectors, though? Maybe that's too far, I dunno. Maybe too complicated.

EDIT: Invisible anomalies don't look so They don't look like anything, in fact. By the way, I'm merely experimenting at the moment. It's just that, after trying the Inferno mod, I feel some things are just far too cheap or readily available. Oblivion Lost was the first mod I ever tried for ShOC, so...
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Re: Tweaking OL 2.2

Postby EggChen on 26 Dec 2008 15:58

Kaidonni wrote:Hmmm...well, I suppose I'm gonna have to lock horns with the system then. Shame, that. Have to install something, I recall, to get it to work properly. Anyhow, shouldn't be too much of a troublemaker, just inconvenient that it has to be done that way (wish the all.spawn was just another .ltx file or something).

Funny thing is, it is basically a load of ltxs, just compressed into this hex format that acdc uncompresses. You only use acdc to convert the files into basic notepad, then you do all your work in those.

Kaidonni wrote:Another thing I forgot to ask was how to make it so that the moon doesn't necessarily come out every night. Now and then, sure, but like clockwork? I'd rather some nights be entirely overcast or rainy and such.

The only way would be to script this in rather like a random weather mod, if you use one weather config, then the moon will always be there. You could look at Kany's existing random weather script and add in another changeover time (just before night) with a completely overcast weather. You would need to know a bit about scripting though.

Kaidonni wrote:EDIT: Invisible anomalies don't look so They don't look like anything, in fact. By the way, I'm merely experimenting at the moment. It's just that, after trying the Inferno mod, I feel some things are just far too cheap or readily available. Oblivion Lost was the first mod I ever tried for ShOC, so...

How about almost invisible? Don't want to tout my stuff, but in the Particle Enhancement 3 mod I made most anomolies harder to see but not invisible, An example is the mosquito_bold (can't remember what it is called in game) which is now a kind of pulsating air distortion, you can see it, but you have to be vigilant. Wolfehunter made an OL compatibility pack for it, it is linked in his signature on GSC forums. The mod is setup so you can use some effects and not others, as you wish.
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Re: Tweaking OL 2.2

Postby Nightwatch on 26 Dec 2008 19:45

Kaidonni wrote:Hmmm...well, I suppose I'm gonna have to lock horns with the system then. Shame, that. Have to install something, I recall, to get it to work properly.

I think you refer to ActivePerl, yes, you need to have it installed on your system to operate
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Re: Tweaking OL 2.2

Postby Kaidonni on 26 Dec 2008 22:13

Thanks for the help so far. Unfortunately, I can't do anything tonight unlike I planned. WinRAR is being stubborn and freezing whenever I try to Extract... :mozilla_frown:

Was planning to test Wolfhunter's mod (along with Ceano's weapons mod), but it just freezes WinRAR. I can access everything else on the computer, even click on the x and select to end the WinRARs open, but they quickly freeze whenever I open them. I installed OL 2.2 yesterday evening, to think, also...wonder what is getting at the computer for this to happen. It isn't my computer, it's my brother's, so...
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Re: Tweaking OL 2.2

Postby busetibi on 27 Dec 2008 02:19

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Re: Tweaking OL 2.2

Postby Kaidonni on 27 Dec 2008 12:59

Thanks, that seems to have fixed it up fine. Interesting anomalies (although I prefer the Electro anomaly as it was before, so I might stick with the old Electro). I keep wondering how much I should touch up the economy, but it hits me that, really, not very many supplies and having to buy more could be useful, but not having much to buy at the same time. Coupled with maybe slightly higher prices, primarily for repairs (and faster degradation of weaponry - not sure how realistic it would be, but for gameplay's sake...). I could modify outfits so basic outfits only allow 1 or 2 artifacts, others 3, and at the top, 5 or so - that way I don't need to modify the artifacts that much, even the AMK ones (the transmuted ones) - it will balance out nicely because you would have to pick and choose. It's not that the balance is off entirely, it is that maybe there is too much at hand (of course, when I used the P90 before, when I first tried OL 2.2, I was spending so much just to maintain it and my suit while selling equipment and doing missions).

EDIT: Hmmm...should the Burner anomalies only emit sound before they are set off, or do I have something not set up right? Plus, how do I make it so that bolts disappear quicker?
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